Update March 31, 2020

From Pastor Nick




Public gatherings for worship will be suspended indefinitely.  


I do not know when public worship will continue. However, I will follow the advice of our health officials.


When it is safe for us together for worship, I would like to combine both services for at least that Sunday. I will work with our Sunday school teachers to factor in how/if they would like to hold Sunday school at that time. When that date and time come— I will communicate it through our leadership.



I pray that you are all doing well. My family is well. However, my sister and her husband are under quarantine in Niagara Falls and my mother-in law has decided not to come to NY for Easter. I am overwhelmed with being a kindergarten and second grade teacher as I help to steady my kids world.


Our Divide and Conquer teams will still be checking in with you each week to see how you are doing.


(The building will remain open to allow the Food Pantry and Community Kitchen to still operate.) LeAnn will work from home most days but will have access to email and the phone will be transferred to her home so she has access to your phone call and the answering machine.


Thank you for your understanding and grace as we navigate these uncharted waters.  If there is pastoral need or you have questions please don’t hesitate to ask.