Sunday Schedule
September– May
(Sunday following Labor Day Weekend through Sunday  of  Memorial Day Weekend)
8:30 – Praise & PowerPoint Worship(Gibbs Parlor)
9:30 – Sunday School for all ages
10:45 – Worship (Sanctuary)

12:00 – Coffee Fellowship (Fellowship Hall)

Summer Schedule
(Sunday after Memorial Day through Sunday of Labor Day)
8:30 – Praise & PowerPoint Worship(Gibbs Parlor)
10:00 – Worship (Sanctuary)

11:15 – Coffee Fellowship (Fellowship Hall)

Nursery is available during both the 8:30 and the 10:45 (10:00 summer) service for children from birth to 5 years old. See an usher for directions to the nursery.

Jr Church is available to children from ages 5 – 4th grade following the children’s messages at the 10:45 (10:00 summer) service.

Children’s bulletins and busy bags can be found at the front and back of the church (Ask an usher if you have a question). We offer the Children’s Worship Bulletins @Home (Choose from Ages 3-6 and Ages 7-12.) which has an interactive site FREE  that allows kids to enter a secret code to play games that correspond with the current week’s bulletin. We rotate through four fun games – Memory Match, Word Search, Gems of the Bible and Coloring Book – so each week there is something new to play.

101 East Main St
Westfield, NY  14787
(716) 326-3243   

Church Office Hours: Mon. – Fri. 9am – 3pm

Pastoral visits available by appointment
Phone: (716) 326-3243
Pastor Nick’s office hours:
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesdays from 10:30 – 3
or by appointment
Off street parking is available behind the church in the lot located off Clinton Street