Getting ready for Fall – All about Paul

Study it, study it—for everything is in it! Examine it diligently until you are worn out with old age by it, and do not be distracted from it; you could have no better measure than it.”

(Mishnah ‘Abot 5:22)


         William P. Brown observes that the verb translated as “study” literally means “turn,” as if to say that the Bible is a finely crafted jewel that, when carefully turned, sparkles with the light of incomparable wisdom. Brown suggests that in the practice of Bible study, “turning” not only involves a Bible passage; it also involves the interpreter. Whenever we are trying to make sense of the Bible we are also “turning things over in our minds,” from assumptions to new perspectives, from fresh questions to surprising conclusions.


            This autumn, as promised I will be “studying” and “turning” the writings of the Apostle Paul in our

Adult Sunday class beginning on September 10th @ 9:30am in Gibbs Parlor. I am suspecting that as we examine a small portion of one of Paul’s letters each week with the Holy Spirit’s guidance we will be rotating and “turning” into deeper and more committed disciples of Jesus Christ.

            On Sunday evenings beginning on September 17th through October 22nd @ 7pm in Gibbs Parlor we will be doing Adam Hamilton’s book The Call: The Life and Message of the Apostle Paul.
During these six weeks we will study together:

Called to Follow Christ- Paul’s Background, Conversion, and Early Ministry

Called to Go- Paul’s First Missionary Journey

Called to Suffer- Paul’s Second Missionary Journey (1)

Called to Love- Paul’s Second Missionary Journey (2)

Called to GivePaul’s Third Missionary Journey

Called to be FaithfulPaul’s Death and Legacy

            Philip Yancey, author of What’s So Amazing About Grace and The Jesus I Never Knew endorses this study writing, “Adam Hamilton has proven to be a faithful guide to applying the Bible to modern life in a sane and balanced way, and I trust him as an interpreter of the Apostle Paul for today.”

            Everyone is welcome to Sunday school and/or Bible Study. Prayerfully consider joining others and me as we embark together on this journey with the Apostle Paul. We have secured a handful of Hamilton’s book in the church office that you may borrow for the duration of the study or you may purchase the book on your own. I hope to see you soon turning and being turned by the Word of God.

                                                                                                In Christ,

                                                                                                Nicholas Perry,

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