Fall Schedule 2020


I pray that this announcement finds your loved ones and you well. Your prayers and support during the current pandemic have been exceptional. Every day I am grateful to serve Christ with and among you. This year has been unlike any that most of us have ever witnessed. Covid-19 has affected all of us in big/small ways. Please notice the changes to our church calendar.

On September 20th, we will officially kick off the fall season. After consultation with our younger families, Kim Raynor and I have decided not to offer children/youth Sunday school classes, junior church, or the nursery this fall. However, our adult Sunday school will meet promptly at 9am on Sunday mornings in Gibbs Parlor. 

This fall, we will continue to offer one service at 10am in the Fellowship Hall. We hope to return to worship in our beautiful sanctuary later in the fall. This service will continue to have call to worships, hymns and worship songs, Scripture readings, prayers, and a weekly message. We ask that you make a reservation to attend worship, so that we can record your presence and provide adequate spacing. Mask policies and temperature checks will remain in place. 

Beginning on September 20th at 7pm, we will provide a five-week study (until October 18th) based on Adam Hamilton’s book, The Walk: Five Essential Practices of the Christian Life. Hamilton’s book will be provided free of charge to those interested in participating in the study. Copies of the book and group space is limited at ten. During the study, the Sunday sermon will follow similar themes. Please contact the church office to reserve your copy and spot in the class. 

Continue to hold our political and religious leaders in your prayers. These are difficult times to maneuver, and our best plans are subject to change. However, these are the current plans for our church. Know that your loved ones and you are in my daily prayers. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please contact Pastor Nick and/or LeAnn in the church office(326-3243). 


Nicholas Perry, Pastor