Westfield Respite Care Program is a one-on-one program for individuals with Dementia & early stages of Alzheimer’s and their Caregivers!
The Westfield Respite Care Program, held at First United Methodist Church in Westfield, is intended to provide individuals suffering with Dementia and early stages of Alzheimer’s an opportunity to partake in a social, supportive, and secure environment while giving Caregivers the temporary relief they need.
It is vital for Caregivers to maintain an adequate level of self-care and our respite program will allow them time to take a break from their daily care giving roles.
Respite care providers are trained by the Western New York Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association to understand the unique challenges and rewards of working with those with dementia.
Our FREE monthly program includes a homemade lunch, therapy pets, games, crafts, simple exercises, fun loving volunteers & plenty of laughter and music.
The Westfield Respite Care Program is offered on the 2nd Wednesday of every month from 10:00 to 2:00 at the Westfield First United Methodist Church, 101 East Main Street.
If you are interested in the program or know someone for whom the WESTFIELD program may be helpful, please call or email for more information.
For more information contact: Gail Boardway (716) 867-2319 or by email westfieldrespite@gmail.com
Apple Seed Christian Preschool
apple seed logo
Hosted by:
First United Methodist Church of Westfield
101 E Main St, Westfield
Classes for 3 year old children (T, W & Th 9:00 am – 11:30 am) and 4 year old children (T, W & Th, 9:00 am – 11:30 am with an optional day on Mondays)
The Parents and Teachers of the Apple Seed Christian Preschool feel called by God to strengthen the family by providing a quality  Christian school to three through five year old children, which allows them opportunities to develop physically, intellectually, emotionally, socially and spiritually.
Our goal is to share the gift of Jesus’ word by providing quality Christian education and care to the children of our community.
Applications and information are available at the school or by calling (716) 326-3243.

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Westfield Community Food Pantry
Located in:
First United Methodist Church of Westfield
101 E Main St, Westfield
(716) 326-3243
The Westfield Community Food Pantry is housed in The First United Methodist Church of Westfield (101 E Main St, Westfield). We serve individuals and families located in the Westfield community based on the income guidelines from the Food Bank of Western NY and are open from 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm every Tuesday. Currently this is run through the church parking lot off Clinton Street. (Other times by appointment only 716-326-3243).
We also assist people with emergency food.
We accept donations from individuals, businesses and community organizations as well as funding from the Food Bank of Western NY. Any and all donations of food, and money as well as volunteers are welcome and appreciated.


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Help Is Available.

Judy Wroda is now working exclusively for Southwestern Independent Living Center and is able to assist all persons in Chautauqua County!  Judy is a NY Certified Case Manager, NY Certified Person Centered Counsellor and an Independent Living Specialist and is here to assist all persons, regardless of age or income.

Judy is able to help persons find the right programs to assist them, and can also assist in enrollment of benefits (such as Social Security, SNAP, HEAP, Medicaid ).

Judy works closely with local law enforcement, Chautauqua County schools, churches, food pantries, hospitals, mental health facilities, and other service providing agencies in the county, attorneys, physicians’ offices and many others in our communities!

Judy also assists with issues such as homelessness, child trafficking, adult abuse, child abuse, drug related issues, and many other social issues.

If you have an issue you are not sure how to handle or where to turn to for help, please call Judy at 716 450 3960 and she will gladly assist you!

Judy is able to do office visits, home visits, or meet where you feel comfortable – or if you prefer visiting over the phone, that is great, too! As always, there is no charge for the services Judy provides!

Judy Wroda, PCC CM ILS,

Southwestern Independent Living Center

843 N Main St., Jamestown, NY 14701

716 450 3960 (work cell )

716 661 3010 ( office )

judy@ilc-jamestown-ny.org  (email )


Community Resources
Southwestern Independent Living Center: SWILC is committed to enriching the quality of life for disabled individuals, the elderly and those in need within Chautauqua County.
Check out the services they offer: https://silcchq.org/services-we-provide

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Mesothelioma patients are dangerously at risk due to their diminished health and weakened immune systems. This leaves them vulnerable to the worst impacts of the coronavirus. Due to the pandemic quarantine, it can be even more difficult for mesothelioma cancer victims and their families to get access to the care they need. The Mesothelioma Justice Network has compiled the most in-depth online resources nationwide to serve families afflicted with mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases.